Do you employ workers at night? Check whether you should pay them compensation for their work during the change from summer to winter time. Compensation for work during the change from summer to winter time issues discussed Why do we change from summer to winter time? Change from summer to winter time consequences for the employer Compensation for work during the change from summer to winter time Summary knowledge in the field of accounting business and technology once a week.
Only valuable information. Wpisz swój adres email Akceptuję regulamin i zapisuję się do newslettera zawierającego informacje o philippines photo editor produktach i usługach Zapisz się As every year the time was changed from summer to winter. This activity is carried out on the night from Saturday to Sunday this year the deadline was October . In today's publication we will write whether employees are entitled to compensation for work during the change from summer to winter time.
Why do we change from summer to winter time? Many people wonder what the idea behind the change from summer to winter time is. To make sure there is no doubt this issue is regulated in the regulations this is the Regulation of the Prime Minister on the introduction and cancellation of Central European summer time in the years – . The reason for this decision is not really known.