If you want them to take action as in referring others to give them a reward use referral marketing software to automate this This is called an incentive and thats what you give to people for mentioning you You can give away discount coupons gift cards money and more The reward program you choose should provide value to the client After all theres very little incentive to give an elderly person a coupon for skateboards Look at the purchase behavior Look at your popular products and then form your referral reward strategy based on that Invest in Content Marketing A company called
Cliently recently shared its content marketing success on Facebook They had started a blog for their SaaS business If you and I start a blog we may contribute around to articles at most in a year Some people write even fewer posts But they decided to go all guns India Phone Number blazing They started contributing to the blog six short months ago and have over plus posts on the site The results speak for themselves You can see an uptick in traffic from November the month they started blogging Fast forward to April which is six months later theyre averaging visitors a month with to trial signups This is adding a neat little revenue stream on the side
Plus the blog is on track to generate visitors a month thanks to the focus on pushing out new content every few days It need not always be a blog It can be a link magnet like a free tool This online logo creator tool from Designhill is the perfect example getting millions of visitors and thousands of backlinks I am not here to say that all of this was a smooth ride They had their share of hiccups They started without any keyword research They didnt have a content calendar They had no outlines to give to writers At the beginning writers wrote whatever they wanted That changed with the firm hiring two analysts whose only job was to check for content quality .